Friday, September 17, 2010

Redirect to link to new item with ContentType in SharePoint 2010

If you are working on SharePoint 2010 with Ribbon Menu, you will never see the action of each item menu on Ribbon. Thus, it's a little bit difficult to get the link or the JavaScript function to redirect to the target of action. This topic will describle the links of new item in ContentType.

In SharePoint 2010 has a lot of ContentTypes defined for List and library, if the name of contenttype has one of these value:

Basic Page: /_layouts/bpcf.aspx?List={YOUR_LIST_ID}&RootFolder=YOUR_ROOT_FOLDER &ContentTypeId=ITEM_CONTENTTYPE_ID&Source=URL_RETURNS

Web Part Page: /_layouts/spcf.aspx?List={YOUR_LIST_ID}&RootFolder=YOUR_ROOT_FOLDER &ContentTypeId=ITEM_CONTENTTYPE_ID&Source=URL_RETURNS

Master Page:  (or)
javascript:NewItem2(event,"/_layouts/upload.aspx?List={YOUR_LIST_ID} &RootFolder=YOUR_ROOT_FOLDER &ContentTypeId=ITEM_CONTENTTYPE_ID&Source=URL_RETURNS&IsDlg=1");

Link to a Document:
javascript:NewItem2(event,"/_layouts/NewLink.aspx?List={YOUR_LIST_ID} &RootFolder=YOUR_ROOT_FOLDER &ContentTypeId=ITEM_CONTENTTYPE_ID&Source=URL_RETURNS&IsDlg=1");

List View Style:
Dublin Core Columns:
javascript:EditItem2(event,"/_layouts/Upload.aspx.aspx?List={YOUR_LIST_ID} &RootFolder=YOUR_ROOT_FOLDER &ContentTypeId=ITEM_CONTENTTYPE_ID");

Summary Task:
New Folder:
New Item:
javascript:EditItem2(event,"/_layouts/listform.aspx?ListId={YOUR_LIST_ID} &RootFolder=YOUR_ROOT_FOLDER &ContentTypeId=ITEM_CONTENTTYPE_ID");

Report Builder Model:

javascript:CoreInvoke('createNewDocumentWithRedirect2', event, '/_layouts/ReportServer/NewReportBuilderModel.smdl','YOUR_ROOT_WEB', 'SharePoint.OpenSmdlFiles', false,'/_layouts/ReportServer/GenerateModel.aspx?RelativeModelUrl= /_layouts/ReportServer/NewReportBuilderModel.smdl',false,1)

Report Data Source:

javascript:CoreInvoke('createNewDocumentWithRedirect2', event, '/_layouts/ReportServer/NewSharedDataSource.rsds','YOUR_ROOT_WEB', 'SharePoint.OpenRsdsFiles', false,'/_layouts/ReportServer/SharedDataSource.aspx?RelativeDataSourceUrl= /_layouts/ReportServer/NewSharedDataSource.rsds',false,1)

Report Builder Report:
javascript:CoreInvoke('createNewDocumentWithRedirect2', event, '/_layouts/ReportServer/rs.rsapplication', 'YOUR_ROOT_WEB', 'SharePoint.OpenRdlbFiles', false, '/_layouts/ReportServer/RSAction.aspx?RSAction=ReportBuilder&FileUrl=/_layouts/ReportServer/rs.rsapplication', false, 1)";

Note: YOUR_ROOT_WEB is the root web, ex: http://servername or http://servername:8080

Hope to waiste the less time to find out them.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How to create a popup window like SharePoint 2010 popup

Everytime we want to create or configure out something on SharePoint 2010 site, Microsoft will show a popup window with the forms according to our action. It looks like:

So, if you want to use popup like SharePoint 2010, it's very easy, just copy and paste the code below:

<a href="javascript:NewItem2(event, your_url)">click example</a>

However, you will only get the default of windows size in the popup. If you want to resize that popup to be smaller or bigger, you must use another function.

<a href="javascript:OpenPopUpPageWithTitle(your_url, CallBackFunction, width, height, null)">Click example</a>

The code above just describe how to open the windows and execute the javascript code after window loading completely. Now, the another purpose is to execute an another javascript function after close window. how to?

You can custom this method with any actions as you want, here is example:

if (typeof SP.UI.Dialog.close == 'function') {
    var old = SP.UI.Dialog.close;
    SP.UI.Dialog.close = function(dlgResult) {
        //TODO: your code here
        //Remember that, your code must be executed before calling original method, because original method will close your popup before you perform something.

Here are some method extracted from SP.UI.Dialog



Good luck to you!

Friday, September 10, 2010

How to get a property and call a method of class using reflection

Sometime you get an error when declare an object belongs to class, but before declare an object you must add that dll as a reference. but the problem is whether that dll is existed or not and what happend if that dll does not exist? On hundred percent is to throw exception because you are calling a method or property of object but it does not initialize. The best way is to reflect that class to object and not necessary to add that dll as reference.

I have a dll was built from the project named "example", here is the code

namespace Example
    public class Calculate
        public Calculate()

        private int a = 0;
        public int A
                return this.a;
                this.a = value;

        private int b = 0;
        public int B
                return this.b;
                this.b = value;

        public int Plus()
            return this.A + this.B;

        public int Multiple()
            return this.A * this.B;

        public int Substract()
            return (this.A - this.B);

        public int Divide()
            if (this.B == 0) throw new ApplicationException("Do not allow null !");
            return this.A / this.B;

The class is very simple to execute the calculating 2 numbers A and B. Now I have another project need to use this class, but I dont want to add this dll into my reference. If this dll was not installed, you will get an error when you build this project. So, I have another way, look at my code

        Type asmCal = asm.GetType("MyReflection.Calculate");

        object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(asmCal);

        //here you can detect obj and asmCal are not null before doing any thing bellow
        //set A property
        asmCal.InvokeMember("A", BindingFlags.SetProperty | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, obj, new object[] { 5 });

        //set B property
        asmCal.InvokeMember("B", BindingFlags.SetProperty | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, obj, new object[] { 5 });

        int plus = (int)asmCal.InvokeMember("Plus", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, obj, null);

Thursday, September 9, 2010

How to extract properties of webpart from any site.

We design a toolpane for webpart by adding a lot of toolparts into toolpane. We can design any layout as we want, but with the width of toolpane it's really difficult to design a complexity interface, so I want to introduce a new layouts  that can be designed very complexity.

In this topic, I give you a default security that user can open site with the currently right.

With a original toolpane, just add a button named "Modify Web Part" and after click on that button there is a new window appear and show your layouts need to define everything as needed. In this topic, assume that the  page to modify toolpane is called "modify.aspx".

This page, we need to know which webpart need to modify, so we will send to modify.aspx two parameters as query string [page, wpGuid]. In onclick event of "Modify Web Part" button, we could open a window like this:"modify.aspx?page=http://server/test/site.aspx&wpGuid=8230-12344-1111111xxxxx");

To extract all properties of web part, we need to get web part object first, here is the code:

public MyWebPart GetWebPart()
       string page = Convert.ToString(this.Page.Request.QueryString["page"]);

       string wpGuid = Convert.ToString(this.Page.Request.QueryString["wpGuid"]);

       if (page != "" && wpGuid != "")
          using (SPSite site = new SPSite(page))
              using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
                  using (SPLimitedWebPartManager pageWebParts = web.GetLimitedWebPartManager(page, System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.User))
                         SPLimitedWebPartCollection webParts = pageWebParts.WebParts;
                         foreach (WebPart wpart in webParts)
                            if (wpart.StorageKey.ToString().Equals(wpGuid))
                                 return (MyWebPart)wpart;
                //your exception
       return null;

But in some case, the [Page] parameter is incorrect format, sometime it would be missing /default.aspx or page.apsx or any prefix.aspx, and the code above will not work. So, we need to identify the url to pass it for SPSite object. The code bellow is to show what we need to do:

public MyWebPart GetWebPart()
                string page = Convert.ToString(this.Page.Request.QueryString["page"]);

                string wpGuid = Convert.ToString(this.Page.Request.QueryString["wpGuid"]);

                if (page != "" && wpGuid != "")
                    using (SPSite site = new SPSite(page))
                        using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
                            using (SPLimitedWebPartManager pageWebParts = web.GetLimitedWebPartManager(page, System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.User))
                                    SPLimitedWebPartCollection webParts = pageWebParts.WebParts;
                                    foreach (WebPart wpart in webParts)
                                        if (wpart.StorageKey.ToString().Equals(wpGuid))
                                            return (MyWebPart)wpart;
            catch // it throw exception when the configuration server is http/https
                return GetWebPartAgain();
            return null;

private MyWebPart GetWebPartAgain()
            string url = Convert.ToString(this.Page.Request.QueryString["page"]);

            string wpGuid = Convert.ToString(this.Page.Request.QueryString["wpGuid"]);

            using (SPSite site = new SPSite(url))

                using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
                    SPFileCollection files = web.Files;

                    foreach (SPFile file in files)
                        using (SPLimitedWebPartManager pageWebParts = file.GetLimitedWebPartManager(System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.User))
                                SPLimitedWebPartCollection webParts = pageWebParts.WebParts;
                                foreach (WebPart wpart in webParts)
                                    if (wpart.StorageKey.ToString().Equals(wpGuid))
                                         return (MyWebPart)wpart;
            return this.Context.Request.Url.ToString();

When you get the Webpart object, you can extract its properties and work anything on that. After changes, you can serialize all changes into an xml string and return the function called the page modify.aspx. A hidden field will catch this xml string and store into a property of toolpart. Every time open modify.aspx, you can deserialize to work on that.

Good luck to you.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How to check URL is relative or absolute path

The relative path is a part of following format:

1)  ~/ or / : is the root site

ex: http://serverA/site1/site2/site3/default.aspx, with the current site is Site3, then ~/ will return http://serverA

2) ./: is the current site

3) ../: is the parent site

with above example will return http://serverA/Site1/Site2

The problem is how to check the input url whether using relative path or absolute path.

The simple code can be like this:

public bool IsRelative(string url)
    return (url == "~/" || url == "/" || url == "./" || url == "../");

But if you want to make sure the functioning work correctly, it should be:

public static bool IsUrlRelative(string url)
    Uri uri;
        uri = new Uri(url, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
        return false;
    return !uri.IsAbsoluteUri;

For now, SharePoint has supported the class to check this, it's very helpful:

SPUrlUtility supported some methods to work on URL:

public static string CombineUrl(string baseUrlPath, string additionalNodes);

return the concatenate 2 string

public static int IndexOfIllegalCharInUrlLeafName(string strLeafName);

return the position of illegal character in your string

public static bool IsLegalCharInUrl(char character);

indicate your character is legal or not

public static bool IsLegalFileName(string name);

indicate your file name is legal or not

public static bool IsProtocolAllowed(string fullOrRelativeUrl);

public static bool IsProtocolAllowed(string fullOrRelativeUrl, bool allowRelativeUrl);
public static bool IsUrlFull(string url);
public static bool IsUrlRelative(string url);