Thursday, January 9, 2014

Difference between tracking list in SharePoint 2010 and 2013

SharePoint 2010 has 3 kinds of tracking list: Task, Project Tasks and Issue Tracking. To create one of these lists, just go to Site Action and click on More Options. It doesn’t depend on site template completely. The following table is described details of these lists:

Feature ID
List Template
Project Tasks
Issue Tracking

There is a special option in the Advance Setting: Email Nofitication. This option is enabled if the Email Setting in Central Administration has been configured. When this option is set to ‘Yes’, that means the user who has been assigned to by ownership will get the alert by email or the ownership has changed something in that item.

Before to enable Email Notification option, take a look at Item-level Permissions options. To manage user working on the list, the moderator could change this option to allow/disallow user who has permission to read, edit or doing something on list item.
Assume that the user who has not permission to read the item but was assigned by the owner. So, what will happen and how the user could see that item? If you are still feel confused, let see the WAD of SharePoint 2013.
SharePoint 2013 has exposed much more tracking list: Tasks, Task /w. timeline, Issue tracking and GanttTasks. GanttTasks is actually a project tasks in SharePoint 2010 and after exposed with more Tasks /w. timeline then this list to be the default tasks.
Feature ID
List Template
Tasks /w. timeline
Issue Tracking

In the site contents to add a new app, SharePoint 2013 was hidden Tasks (107) and GanttTasks (150). And except for Task with timeline doesn’t have an option Email Notification, all the others tracking list have this option. Thus, if you try to enable this option by programmatically, the alert by email still doesn’t work or work incorrectly.
In sharePoint 2013, to create the hidden list, please change the url and go:
Where: FEATURE_ID is a feature id to work with that list, and LIST_TPL_ID is a list template id.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Announcement: SharePoint Saturday Event 7th & resume SharePointVietNam.NET forum

SharePoint Saturday Vietnam (SPSVN) is a free community focused SharePoint event dedicated to educating and engaging members of the local technical community. SPSVN draws upon the expertise of local SharePoint IT professionals, developers, and solution architects who come to together to share their real world experiences, lessons learns, best practices, and general knowledge with other like minded individuals.

SPS VN 7th will be held on Saturday, Jan 11th, 2014. The agenda and information you will find on

Location of SPS VN 7th

For SPS Vietnam, I was speaking at the event with some topics to help developers and administrators work with the best practice:

  • 1st: All about the Ribbon of SharePoint 2010
  • 4st: The Best Practice SharePoint Developing
  • 5th: The Best Practice SharePoint Farm Installation
  • 6th: Improve performance and security with best practice for SharePoint WP/App

In 2014,  I will share a lot of articles about SharePoint 2013 apps for developing with trying my best. In the community, I also try to join the SPS VN discussing about the growing SharePoint apps in VN and then resume the forum for all Vietnamese SharePointers. If you have any question or something good idea you could share in the forum. This forum is a free community and don't hesitate posting on that. I (and another people) will follow and reply as soon as possible.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Could not run the SharePoint Wizard Configuration after install the hotfix?!

SharePoint 2013 takes so long time to install and configure the CU hotfix, it took more than 5 hours for me to install. I actually increase the RAM to 16GB but the problem is not improved and more and more longer than usual. Eventually, you do not need to install the CU hotfix for August 2013, just install March, October and December 2013. That's all. If you still feel unconvinced with the duration of installing, you could see to stop the service and run the PS command as link helping bellow:

Somebody thought that could be install all the hotfix then after all run the wizard configuration, of course could do something like that, but at the end the error will happen if you run the SharePoint Wizard Configuration:

Don't worry about that, just do it as your best and do not need to run the wizard as normally. Just run the command by command line:

psconfig.exe -cmd upgrade -inplace b2b -force -cmd installcheck -noinstallcheck

Here is the blog to explain about the above command: